Customer Testimonials

My job is now finished. David the foreman fully explained all the steps as they were done. I was very impressed at what a hard worker he is. My house was treated respectfully by the crew during the work – they laid down cardboard and plastic every morning and removed it every evening, beecause when they started the job we were having lots of rain! The whole crew was very polite!
M.A. — Buffalo New York

I believe it is important to identify exemplary performance and give praise for outstanding work when possible. The foreman and his crew were very courteous, professional, friendly and informative. They were extremely patient with me and my endless questions and yet they still put forth a tremendous amount of work…
L.P. — Lackawanna, New York

We are very happy with the work and the attitude of your foreman and crew who spent the last three days waterproofing our basement and foundation, both inside and outside. They had to work under most difficult conditions – a basement in terrible shape, water coming in constantly, rain, mud, snow and hard clay to dig through. We also have gardens and plants all around the house to complicate their job….They did a beautiful job moving and carefully replanting the many flowers and bushes. They cleaned everything up very well…
A. & D. C. — Seneca Falls, New York

I am very pleased – not only with my “new” basement but also with your entire process. I never would have believed how quick the installation was if I hadn’t been here to see it.
C.C. — Rochester

The final clean-up of the basement and our driveway was a great job done by a great team. We want the team and Everdry’s management to know we both were pleased and impressed with the total job.
J. & M. N. — Rochester

We would just like you to know that your crew did an excellent job, inside and out. Both the interior work and exterior were done with extreme professionalism and care from your crew. It was reassuring to know what your crew would be doing as they explained each step of the process as they worked so diligently to make sure that our home would be a dry home…
B. & K. S. — Hamburg

All the EverDry employees should be commended for their performance and professionalism which is rare in today’s business world.
R. & M.P. — Rochester

My wife and I were amazed at the speed and constant effort of all your employees. I would recommend your company and personnel anytime.
R.B. — Rochester