Customer Testimonials

My wife and I would like to compliment your entire crew. Everything, from the sales presentation to the coordination of the job by the foreman was handled in a very professional manner. Everything went as the estimator said it would. In this day and age, that in itself is a miracle.

The entire work crew was extremely respectful and considerate of my wife, myself and our personal belongings. We would like to sincerely thank each and every one of them. Thank you again, to everyone, for your contribution to a “job well done”.

J. and C. P. — Milwaukee, Wisconsin

…In closing, I’d like to extend to you the freedom to have any prospective customer in the Kenosha area or an apartment complex owner to call upon us for reference. If you continue with this type of service, I’m confident that other contractors will be out of business.
M.M. — Kenosha, Wisconsin

We are most grateful to the hardworking Everdry crew – especially the foreman, who was so patient and courteous in answering our many questions. It’s never easy having your home and life disrupted for a major job like this, but the foreman and his crew made it not only worthwhile, but also bearable…
T. & G. M. — Menomee Falls, Wisconsin