Customer Testimonials

We have had several different contractors at our home for various projects. They never came when they were supposed to and the job was never finished in the time they had said it would be. Most of them would arrive in the later part of the morning and leave in the early afternoon. EverDry arrived early in the morning and worked late. They were the only ones that completed a project in the time they had outlined. They were courteous and professional in every manner. They took pains to ensure the work area was clean when they left. Needless to say, I was very impressed.
K.R. — Findlay, Ohio

On behalf of my mother and myself, I want to tell you what a positive experience it has been working with your firm to waterproof the basement. Your thoroughness of attacking the water problems both inside the house as well as outside was a solid selling point for us, something not all companies offer.
M.C. — Sandusky, Ohio

They were very punctual every day, and professional and polite. They knew their job and did it very well. They also answered all my questions.
V. & J. Z. — Waterville, Ohio

I am a hardworking person who knows laziness when I see it. Rest assured that the crew that came to my house was the busiest, politest, hardworkingest group that I’ve encountered in a long time. They were prompt and always courteous. Give them a raise!
R. & L. F. — Sylvania, Ohio

I was very pleased with the team headed by Faron that serviced my home. I had many questions and suggestions that were all listened to and answered completely – not just by Faron, but every one on the team would take time to explain what they were doing or about to do.
S. K. — Findlay, Ohio

The job quality performed on our basement has pleased us and we have already referred Everdry to friends.
R. & K. D. — Dundee, Michigan

For years our basement has been taking in water after heavy rains or during the spring thaws. After several attempts to correct the situation myself, my wife and I decided to contact Everdry. We had heard very positive things from people we know in the community of Maumee, who have used the Everdry system and been totally satisfied with the results…. Shortly after the system was installed, the Findlay area had two days of rain with several inches falling each day. The Everdry system worked flawlessly. My wife and I couldn’t be more satisfied with the job.
C. & D.F. — Maumee, Ohio