Customer Testimonials

We have had a great deal of work done to our building over the last few months and have had to deal with the frustration of workers not being on time, not finishing on time, and even not showing up or giving us straight answers. Thus, your workers were a refreshing change and presented themselves as true professionals!
D.P. — Program Director, Mt Clemens

Last February we were flooded in the living quarters of our home due to heavy rains and storm sewer back-up. Our family room is a large room built at garden level, three feet below ground level. We had 8 inches of water in the room with considerable water damage to clean up before even starting any restoration….Last week the Everdry work was put to the test. Again the neighborhood experienced a flash flood and neighbors on both sides of us were flooding – our home became literally an island. We were surrounded by 14 inches of water outside on the level and 3 feet or more in the ditches, and yet we stayed dry….We initially were nervous about making this investment but now are so glad we did. We are confident we can withstand any future acts of God.
G & F F. — Detroit

I just had my basement waterproofed by Everdry. The foreman of the job and his crew were efficient throughout the whole process. They arrived on time in the mornings exactly when I was told they would come. The crew was polite and friendly, but what really struck me was how well they got along and seemed to take pride in their work. They truly wanted to do the best job.
G.R. — West Bloomfield

After having seen the process from start to finish, we will definitely recommend you to our family, friends and co-workers should they ever need this type of work done.
T. & W. C. — Troy

It’s dry and warm, a feeling we’re not used to. Goodbye wet and cold feeling and thank you Everdry Waterproofing.
M.B. — Oak Park